Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Get to know Men Universe Model

international male pageants

Men Universe Model is an international male model pageant indigenous to the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean region where it has been held yearly from 2008 to the present. This year is the 8th edition and is slated to take place in June in Santo Domingo, the capital and largest city in the country.   

The pageant was known as Mister Universe Model up until 2013 when the name was modified by pageant owners. It consistently produced titleholders in reasonably good staging. The pageant’s participation was 27 last year but was highest in 2011 when there were 42 entries.  

The show’s format is modern and upbeat, taking on the air of a fashion show and the presentation is mainly in Spanish. A preliminary competition is held to select the Best Body winner. The pageant is the brain child of designer Robert Flores of the Dominican Republic and intents to help out the tourism industry in the country by drawing foreign attention and travel to its various tourist attractions and historical sites.