At the height of Mister Model International and Mister Universal Ambassador competitions which are simultaneously rolling in Florida, USA and Surabaya, Indonesia respectively, we veer off to take a cursory look instead at two little-known newly evolved mister pageants with almost identical names as the aforementioned two. We are speaking of Mister Model Revolution International and Mister Universal World. Duh! Doesn’t that make you think they are close relatives of each other or clones of sorts?
like we said before, pageants have a way of reproducing by name mutation. At
the rate pageants are springing up left, right and center; in no time we will
be going bonkers figuring who is who in which is which pageant. So before that
happens, let us acquaint ourselves with these newborn twin pageants.
Model Revolution International and Mister Universal World are two annual male
pageants founded in the United States in 2014. Organized by Cristal Hernández,
these twosome pageants are held jointly or alongside each other in one event.
The dualistic nature of these pageants does not stop there; they also come in
pairs, by that we mean two categories, Mister and Teen.
first edition of the contests took place in Davilas Restaurant in Chicago,
Illinois with the following winners. As
"Mister Model Revolution International 2014" was Felipe Cardona of
Colombia; as "Mister Teen Model Revolution 2014" was Erick Trujillo
of Ecuador. Chosen as "Mister Universal World 2014" was Mantas Repsys
of Australia and as "Mister Teen Universal World 2014" the Puerto
Rican Xavier Traverzo Cruz.
titles are not yet going awry for you, let’s go a bit further to say, Ellis
Wilmer of Puerto Rico won the title "Mister Revolution Top Model" and
"Mister Internet Model Revolution," while the Canadian Austin Reyes
the title of "Mister Internet Universal World." Now that we were able
to get through that without causing a universal revolution, let’s take a peek
at some of this year’s batch of candidates for Mister Model Revolution
International 2015 which has no set or announced date yet.
noted a few rehashed candidates from previously held man pageants, though we are
not complaining at all. It’s not a good idea to squander such precious and exquisite
assets, don’t you think so? And in this game of pageants, one pageant’s discard
can turn out to be another pageant’s trump card. So here’s “two for the road!”